System requirements
- How much space does LiteDesign use?
- About 0.3MB (version 2.1.7). This is very small compared to most other programs, and is due to the fact that it is written in Java, which means, in effect, that most of the program is already installed on your machine.
- Can I install LiteDesign on GNU/Linux?
- Yes, but you will have to download the sources and compile it yourself. The program is being developed on a windows platform, so we do not currently offer binaries for linux.
- Why is LiteDesign free?
- About two years ago, I was looking for a simple - and free - program for designing lighting rigs for small halls on the internet. I couldn't find one. So, I decided to take the bull by the horns and write one. The idea is to provide something that is free, both to use and modify.
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